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The Organ

An historic instrument in the city of Philadelphia which supports our worship, outreach, concerts, and events. 


The first organ at St. Martin’s was built in 1888 by the Roosevelt Organ Co of New York. This two-manual and pedal instrument underwent numerous rebuildings by Hope-Jones, E.M. Skinner and others of lesser reputation. A new console was built and installed by E.M. Skinner in 1939 to make operable the existing instrument of ancient and completely undistinguished vintage. That console and several stops were refurbished and adapted for the installation of an otherwise new organ built in 1957 by the Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co. of Boston. This organ (opus 1284) was one of Joseph Whiteford’s first instruments after his appointment as president of the firm after G. Donald Harrison’s death. The choir division of this organ was revised by Aeolian-Skinner in 1959, and the swell Bombarde extended in 1975.


In 2001 the organ was completely renovated by a consortium of artisans. The Whiteford Aeolian-Skinner was left intact and wind pressures were restored to their original settings. Emery Brothers, Doylestown, PA, completely renewed the organ mechanically. Austin Organs, Inc. built a new three-manual console, a Grand Choeur division in the south transept, and pipe facades for the chancel openings; Samuel Hughes restored the reeds and the entire organ was refinished by Daniel Kingman, the firm’s head flue voicer. Digital stops, using Aeolian-Skinner samples, were built by Walker Technical Co., Zionsville, PA. The project was supervised by Richard Alexander, advisor to the church.

The Specification of the Organ

16 Violon 49 pipes
8 Diapason 61 pipes
8 Cello 12 pipes
8 Bourdon 61 pipes
4 Octave 61 pipes
2 Superoctave 61 pipes
Plein Jeu IV 244 pipes
Cornet II 98 pipes


8 Gamba 68 notes
8 Gamba Céleste 68 notes
8 Solo Flute 68 notes
4 Flûte Harmonique 68 notes
8 French Horn 68 notes
16 Ophicleide 68 notes
8 Trumpet 68 notes
4 Clarion 68 notes
Chimes 32 notes


GREAT (Manual II)
16 Quintade 61 pipes
8 Principal 61 pipes
8 Quintade 12 pipes
4 Octave 61 pipes
4 Rohrflöte 61 pipes
2 2/3 Twelfth 61 pipes
2 Fifteenth 61 pipes
Fourniture IV 244 pipes


CHOIR (Manual II)
16 Bourdon 68 notes
8 Salicional 68 notes
8 Voix Céleste 68 notes
8 Cor de nuit 68 pipes
8 Flûte Céleste II 134 pipes
4 Koppelflöte 68 pipes
2 2/3 Nazard 49 pipes
2 Blockflöte 61 pipes
1 3/5 Tierce 49 pipes
1 Piccolo 61 pipes
16 English Horn 68 notes
8 Cromorne 68 pipes
8 Clarinet 68 notes
4 Rohr Schalmei 68 notes
8 Tuba Major 68 notes
Harp 68 notes
Tower Bells 32 notes


SWELL (Manual III)
16 Lieblich Gedackt 12 pipes
8 Viole-de-Gambe 68 pipes
8 Viole Céleste 68 pipes
8 Gedackt 68 pipes
4 Spitzflöte 68 pipes
Mixture III 183 pipes
Cymbel IV 244 notes
16 Bombarde 12 pipes
8 Trompette 68 pipes
8 Hautbois 68 pipes
4 Clairon 68 pipes
8 Tuba Major (from Choir)


ECHO (Manual III)
16 Dulciana 68 notes
8 Diapason 68 notes
8 Concert Flute 68 notes
8 Erzähler 68 notes
8 Kleine Erzähler 68 notes
8 Echo Viole 68 notes
8 Echo Céleste 68 notes
4 Flûte Harmonique 68 notes
2 Octavin 68 notes
16 Fagotto 68 notes
8 Flügel Horn 68 notes
8 Vox Humana 68 notes


32 Violon 32 notes (in Swell)
32 Bourdon 32 notes (in Choir)
16 Open Bass 32 notes
16 Principal 32 pipes
16 Quintade (from Great)
16 Bourdon (from Choir)
16 Lieblich Gedackt (from Swell)
16 Dulciana (from Echo)
8 Octave 12 pipes
8 Cello (from Grand Choeur)
8 Bourdon (from Grand Choeur)
8 Lieblich Gedackt (from Swell)
4 Choralbass 32 pipes
4 Flûte Harmonique 32 pipes
Mixture III 96 pipes
32 Ophicleide 12 notes (from G. C.)
16 Bombarde 32 notes (in Choir)
16 Ophicleide (from Grand Choeur)
16 Fagotto (from Echo)
8 Trompette 32 notes (in Choir)
4 Rohr Schalmei (from Choir)

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St. Martin-in-the-Fields

Sunday Services:
8:00 a.m. | 9:00 a.m. | 10:30 a.m. 
Weekday Morning Prayer (online):
7:30 a.m.

An Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Pennsylvania



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Church of

St. Martin-in-the-Fields

8000 St. Martin's Lane

Philadelphia, PA 19118

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