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Music at St. Martin's

Music is an integral fundamental part of the worship and life of St. Martin’s. A typical Sunday Eucharist will include two anthems, and a psalm sung by the choir, as well a congregational mass setting (sometimes choral settings are used) and hymns. Congregational singing is an important part of our worship; music adds heightened meaning to texts and scripture and is a wonderful medium for expressing the inexpressible in times of joy and gladness, or in time of difficulty and sadness.


Whether singing as a member of our choir, a chorister in our children’s program, or as a congregation member, music offers us the chance to enhance our worship, as well as extending our outreach into the local community and beyond.


With a strong tradition of choral music, our current music ensembles include a Chorister program for children aged 7 and up, as well as an Adult Volunteer Choir, and a quartet of paid professional section leaders.


We strive to create a music program that is forward-thinking, outward-looking, and devoted to its congregation and work. Our outreach, support of the arts, and community involvement are essential to the mission aims of the church and its music department.


Membership to our Adult Choir and/or Chorister program is open! Please contact our Director of Music, Mr. Tyrone Whiting for more information:

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St. Martin-in-the-Fields

Sunday Services:
8:00 a.m. | 9:00 a.m. | 10:30 a.m. 
Weekday Morning Prayer (online):
7:30 a.m.

An Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Pennsylvania



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Church of

St. Martin-in-the-Fields

8000 St. Martin's Lane

Philadelphia, PA 19118

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