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Kate Maus

Coordinator of Member Ministry & Engagement

Kate Maus has been member of the St. Martin’s community for more than 30 years. She is a member of the Chancel Choir and is a co-chair of the Community Engagement Committee. Kate has served on the Vestry twice and was for several years a member of the Altar Guild. She lives in Mt. Airy in the house in which she and her late husband, Steven Wren, reared their 2 children, Paul and Molly Wren. She is the besotted grandmother of Owen and Madeleine Wren and Winston Cooper.

Kate has a BA in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master of Social Service degree from the Bryn Mawr College Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research. Her professional life was focused on work with vulnerable families and children and youth with special health care needs. Her experience includes medical social work in several Philadelphia area hospitals and home-visiting with families for whom abuse or neglect of children was an issue. She served for 6 years as the Director of the Division of Maternal, Child and Family Health for the City of Philadelphia Department of Public Health and three years as the Director of the Substance Affected Family Evaluation (SAFE) program for the City of Philadelphia Department of Human Services. She is a co-chair of the Imagine Different Coalition, a PA statewide group comprised of families and professionals working to assure that every child, no matter their level of disability, grows up as a member of a secure and loving family.

Kate is committed to assuring all members of the St. Martin’s parish family are aware of the astonishing array of opportunities to participate in the life of this community and that they feel their contributions are valued and necessary.

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St. Martin-in-the-Fields

Sunday Services:
8:00 a.m. | 9:00 a.m. | 10:30 a.m. 
Weekday Morning Prayer (online):
7:30 a.m.

An Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Pennsylvania



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Church of

St. Martin-in-the-Fields

8000 St. Martin's Lane

Philadelphia, PA 19118

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